How can I contribute?#

The most obvious way to contribute is using the OpenBeagle ( GitLab server) to report bugs, suggest enhancements and providing merge requests / pull requests to fix software, hardware designs and documentation. We have made it easy to share the link while you are working with documentation and provide feedback for any heading, figure, and table.

  1. button is to copy the link of current heading, figure, or table.

  2. button is to open feedback modal for submitting issue, feedback, and idea.

Copy link and feedback button

Fig. 13 Copy link and feedback button#

When you click on button, you will see the modal as shown in the image below. With this you can easily provide us ideas, feedback, and create issues directly on OpenBeagle from docs site.

Feedback modal

Fig. 14 Feedback modal#


You need an active OpenBeagle account to use the feedback modal.


Reading the help guide is a great way to get started using OpenBeagle.

Suggesting enhancements#

An issue doesn’t have to be something wrong, it can just be about making something better. If in doubt how to make a productive suggestion, hop on the forum and live chat groups to see what other people say. Check the current ideas that are already out there and give us your idea. Try to be constructive in your suggestion. We are a primarily a volunteer community looking to make your experience better, as those that follow you, and your suggestion could be key in that endeavor.

Where available, use the “enhancement” label on your issue to make sure we know you are looking for a future improvement, not reporting something critically wrong.

Submitting merge requests#

If you want to contribute to a project, the most practical way is with a merge request. Start by creating a fork, which is your own copy of the project you can feel free to edit how you see fit. When ready, create a merge request and we’ll review your work and give comments back to you. If suitable, we’ll update the code to include your contribution!

A bit more detailed suggestions can be found in the articles linked below.

Site Editing Guide#

Docs site uses OpenBeagle Continous Integration (CI) / Continous Development (CD) which is a continuous method of software development, where you continuously build, test, deploy, and monitor iterative code changes. which means you don’t have to setup anything on your local machine to update anything on the site. To contribute to this site, you can follow the simple steps provided below.


OpenBeagle is a self hosted instance of open source program called GitLab.


If you want to build on your local machine we have added and requirements.txt to help you setup sphinx and all the other dependencies. Execute these commands in your terminal,

Install python modules and setup virtual environment,

. ./

Build and serve it live using sphinx-autobuild,

make livehtml

Now, you can open on any browser to see the rendered HTML with live updates. Clear cookies and site data in your browser window to view up-to-date site.

Fork the project#

Go to repo on OpenBeagle and click on fork button create a fork on your personal OpenBeagle profile.

Fork button

Fig. 15 Fork button#

After clicking on the fork button, you’ll be taken to a page like shown below where you have to,

  1. Select your profile from the dropdown.

  2. Click on fork project button to initiate the forking process.

Fork project

Fig. 16 Fork project#

Select file to edit#

After successfully forking the project you have to,

  1. Make sure you are on the forked repo on your profile, it should be<user-name>/ where <user-name> should be replaced with your OpenBeagle username.

  2. Select any file you want to edit from the files & folders view of the repo page.

Repository files and folders

Fig. 17 Repository files and folders#

After selecting the file you have to click on edit button and then choose either of the options from drop-down,

  1. Open in Web IDE, choose this if you want to work on multiple files.

  2. Edit single file, choose this if you want to make some small edits in a single file.

Edit button

Fig. 18 Edit button#


Choosing Web IDE will load a Visual Studio Code Server instance which is a feature rich source code editor. Depending on the internent connection, your machine will take some time to load the editor and it can be a bit heavy for some machines to handle. Once fully loaded it should run smoothly but, if that is not the case then please consider using single file editor option. Considering majority of the users will be using Web IDE option, we are using the Web IDE for the rest of this guide.

Start editing#

If you select to open your file in Web IDE you’ll see a familar interface. The GitLab Web IDE is actually a rich Visual Studio Code Server hosted on OpenBeagle.


Fig. 19 Wed IDE#


We use reStructuredText (RST) for all of our documentation projects including GSoC site and documentation site. If you are new to reStructuredText you can checkout our reStructuredText cheatsheet to get yourself familiar with reStructuredText.

Why not use Markdown for documentation?

Because reStructuredText stands out against Markdown as,

  1. It’s more fully-featured.

  2. It’s much more standardized and uniform.

  3. It has built-in support for extensions.

For more detailed comparison you can checkout this article on reStructuredText vs. Markdown for technical documentation

Now you have to select a file and start editing. Below image shows some,

  1. Edits made to the file, changes are highlighted with green bar on left side of code editor window near line numbers.

  2. Source control button indicating (1) file updated in the repo.

Make edits

Fig. 20 Make edits#


Just like you do on your normal Visual Studio Code desktop application, to commit your changes you can either click on Source control ( ) button or press CTRL + SHIFT + G to see all the edited files.

After switching to source control you have to,

  1. Add a commit message in the input field then commit your changes.

  2. Click on Commit to main button (not recommended).

  3. Click on drop down button to choose Commit to new branch (recommended).

Commit changes

Fig. 21 Commit changes#

After clicking Commit to 'main' button you’ll be prompted with a window (shown below) with three options,

  1. Create new branch

  2. Cancel

  3. Continue

Click on Continue button if you want to commit to main (default branch) if it’s a single edit or commit. Click on Create new branch if you want to create a new branch and want to keep your main branch clean. Advantage of creating a new branch is that assigned reviewer for a pull request / merge request can also add commits to your newly created branch which is not possible for your main branch because it’s a protected branch by default.

Commit branch

Fig. 22 Commit branch#

When all done right, at the lower right side of the Web IDE you’ll see a prompt showing Success! Your changes have been committed message with two buttons,

  1. Go to Project

  2. Continue working

Commit success

Fig. 23 Commit success#

If you click on Go to Project button, you’ll see, 1. The commit successfully applied and the green tick shown on the right side indicates that the CI build was also successful. 2. Option to create a merge request and update your fork.


Fig. 24 Commit#


You have made a valuable contribution to an OpenBeagle project!

Create a merge request#

After making your changes and commiting them to your forked repo, you are set to create a new pull request / merge request so that those changes can be merged to upstream repo. To start your new PR, click on the dedicated button to create a new merge request and fill out all the details. The image below shows all the fields you have to update,

  1. Provide a good title that reflects your work.

  2. Add a detailed description of the work you have done. Add pictures whenever seems useful.

  3. (Optional) you can assign it to yourself if you’ll be working on further updates or assign it to someone else who might want to work on the comments we may provide on your work.

  4. Add lorforlinux as reviewer for PRs with site content update or add your mentor as reviewer if it’s related to project work / proposal.

  5. If you want your commits to be shown as a single commit, then you can choose the sqash commits ... check box.

  6. Check if all your commits are shown in the bottom of the screen and if everything looks okay, then click on Create merge request button.


If you are still working on some updates, you may also choose Mark as draft checkbox (below title) which indicates that you are seeking feedback before making your commits suitable to merge.

Merge request

Fig. 25 Merge request#

Now wait for a review and, if comments are raised, then you can continue working on the project until everything looks perfect and your changes are merged in upstream.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC)#

For newcomers venturing into the realm of open-source contribution, Google Summer of Code (GSoC) stands as an invaluable platform. GSoC provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with the open-source community, engaging in the identification and development of exciting projects during the summer term. serves as a mentorship organization that takes part in the Google Summer of Code program actively, giving students the opportunity to work on open-source projects during the summer. Visit our dedicated Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for more information about this program, including past projects and mentorship opportunities.

Reporting bugs#

Start by reading the OpenBeagle Issues help page.

Please request an account and report any issues on the appropriate project issue tracker at

Report issues on the software images at

Report issues on the hardware at

Tackle to-do list#

This documentation has a number of todo items where help is needed that can be searched in the source. This list will show up directly in the staging documentation at


add cape compatibility details

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 75.)


  • Variable & MAC Memory

  • VSYS_IO_3V3

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1666.)


Clean/Update table

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1691.)


Align with other boards and migrate away from pin usage entries for BeagleBone Black expansion

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1761.)


Add BeagleBone AI-64 cape mechanical characteristics**

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 2131.)


Update everything taken from BBB chapters to BB AI-64 compatible text.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 2172.)


IMX219 CSI sensor connection with BeagleBone® AI-64 for Edge AI

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 78.)


BeagleBone® AI-64 wallpaper upon boot

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 182.)


Microsoft Visual Studio Code for connecting to BeagleBone® AI-64 for Edge AI via SSH

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 243.)


Update to latest text from Texas Instruments Edge AI docs

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Need info on BBAI boot mode settings

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 266.)


Need info on BBAI power management

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 271.)


Add WiFi/Bluetooth/Ethernet

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 276.)


This text needs to go somewhere.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 283.)


(Schematic screenshot)

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 373.)


Verify it isn’t better than this. Doesn’t seem right.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 504.)


Notes regarding the resistors on muxed pins.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 922.)


(Actually, on BeagleBone AI, I believe PWR_BUT is pulled to 3.3V, but activation is still done by pulling the signal to GND. Also, a quick grounding of PWR_BUT will trigger a system event where shutdown can occur, but there is no hardware power-off function like on BeagleBone Black via this signal. It does, however, act as a hardware power-on.)

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 964.)


(On BeagleBone Black, SYS_RESET was a bi-directional signal, but it is only an output from BeagleBone AI to capes on BeagleBone AI.)

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 970.)


This table needs entries

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1484.)


Table entries needed

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1576.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI serial debug

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1590.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI USB Type-C connection

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1595.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI USB Type-A connection

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1600.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI USB Gigabit Ethernet connection

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1605.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI u.FL antenna connection

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1610.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI uSD card slot

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1615.)


Need info on BealgeBone AI uHDMI connection

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1620.)


Add BeagleBone-AI content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1633.)


Add BeagleBone-AI BeagleBone® Black Cape Compatibility section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1638.)


Add BeagleBone-AI EEPROM section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1645.)


Add BeagleBone-AI Pin Usage Consideration section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1650.)


Add BeagleBone-AI GPIO section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1655.)


Add BeagleBone-AI I2C section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1660.)


Add BeagleBone-AI content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1733.)


Add BeagleBone-AI SPI section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1738.)


Add BeagleBone-AI Analog section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1743.)


Add BeagleBone-AI PWM, TIMER, eCAP or PRU PWM/eCAP section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1750.)


Add BeagleBone-AI eQEP section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1755.)


Add BeagleBone-AI CAN section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1760.)


Add BeagleBone-AI McASP (audio serial like I2S and AC97) section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1767.)


Add BeagleBone-AI MMC section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1772.)


Add BeagleBone-AI LCD section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1777.)


Add BeagleBone-AI PRU GPIO section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1782.)


Add BeagleBone-AI CLKOUT section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1787.)


discuss header options for working with the expansion connectors per

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1792.)


Add BeagleBone-AI Signal Usage section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1798.)


Add BeagleBone-AI Cape Power section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1803.)


Add BeagleBone-AI Mechanical section content

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1808.)

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 9.)


Add production boot media link in _static/epilog/production.image and reference it here.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 19.)


Make all figure references actual references

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1163.)


move accessory links to a single common document for all boards.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1184.)


We should include all support information in now and leave eLinux to others, freeing it as much as possible

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1194.)


We are going to work on a unified accessories page for all the boards and it should replace this.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add production boot media link in _static/epilog/production.image and reference it here.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 13.)


Image with what’s inside the box and a better description.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 14.)


Describe how to get a serial connection.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 41.)


Describe how to get an IEEE802.15.4g connection from BeaglePlay.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 48.)


Describe how to get to a local console and websockets console.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 59.)


Add BeagleConnect Freedom expansion chapter content.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Find a place for the following notes:

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 116.)


Need to describe functionality of 0.2.2

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 201.)


note the tested version of software for BeaglePlay

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 40.)


describe how to know it is working

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 42.)


provide images demonstrating Jupyter Notebook visualization

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 64.)


provide image illustrating remote management

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 75.)


think a bit more about this section with some feedback from Cathy.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 83.)


Add specific power-up/down sequence notes here as well a highlight any limitations and known issues.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 144.)


Add information on building expansion hardware for BeaglePlay.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add notes on changing SSID/Password

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 344.)


Add the below changes to the beagle defconfig

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 99.)


To make it stick, …

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 168.)


Document kernel version that integrates this overlay and where to get update instructions.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 422.)


  • How do turn off the driver?

  • How do turn on spidev?

  • How do I enable GPIO?

  • How do a provide a manifest?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 467.)


  • Needs udev

  • Needs live description

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 475.)


Describe how to know it is working

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 56.)


A big part of what is missing here is to put your BeaglePlay on the Internet such that we can download things in later steps. That has been initially brushed over.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 67.)


west build -d build/sensortest zephyr/samples/boards/beagle_bcf/sensortest -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-subghz.conf
west build -d build/wpanusb modules/lib/wpanusb_bc -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-subghz.conf
west build -d build/bcfserial modules/lib/wpanusb_bc -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-bcfserial.conf -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE=bcfserial.overlay
west build -d build/greybus modules/lib/greybus/samples/subsys/greybus/net -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-802154-subg.conf

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 351.)


Describe how to handle the serial connection

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 391.)


remove “<To-Do>” items in the table below.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 55.)


add instructions for flashing in windows.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 197.)


add instructions for flashing in Mac.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 201.)


We need a CSI capture and DSI display demos

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 7.)


We need a cape compatibility layer demo

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 11.)


update details

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 22.)


update details

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 31.)


add image & information about box content.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 14.)


Add information for custom hardware building and debugging.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 9.)


We need a CSI capture demos

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


We need a cape compatibility layer demo

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 10.)


Add production boot media link in _static/epilog/production.image and reference it here.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 12.)


update details

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 22.)


update details

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 31.)


This is the hard way! Special cables and FlashPros are not required when using the firmware we initially ship on the board. This tutorial should be rescripted as how to _unbrick_ your board. Also, we have other work-arounds using software and GPIOs rather than FlashPros. Let’s not put this in user’s face as the experience when it is far more painful than using the script and “hold BOOT button when applying power” solutions we’ve created!

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Due to the current Linux kernel being on 6.1, only a UIO driver is available instead of a Socket CAN driver. This section will be updated once Linux kernel 6.6 is shipped for the beagleV-fire, with the Socket CAN driver.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 24.)


Make sure people know about the alternative and we provide links to details on that before we send them down this process.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 13.)


BeagleY-AI unboxing video

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 14.)


Add details about all the schematic sections.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add Final DDR Part Number

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 220.)


Add details about specific EEPROM contents and formatting.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 255.)


Explain UHS-1 in more detail and add link to TRM for boot modes and resistor swap options for advanced users.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 270.)


Add link to docs on building expansion accessories.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 289.)


Describe how to build expansion hardware for BeagleY-AI

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add production boot media link in _static/epilog/production.image and reference it here.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 12.)


Add further testing steps, results, and images.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


ADD CSI 0/1 Header Location photo.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 21.)


Add further testing steps, results, and images.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add further testing steps, results, and images.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 3.)


Add more information on Waveshare motor & servo driver HAT.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 105.)


Expand on running 2 DC motor objects

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 229.)


Add information about software image used for this demo.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add fritzing diagram and chapter on Pin Binding here

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 50.)


Add instructions to use OLED for console and printing text via /dev/fb0 interface.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 151.)


Add further testing steps, results, and images.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


add instructions to setup CSI1

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 109.)


add instruction to take photos and videos

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 114.)


Add further testing steps, results, and images..

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Add section about driving Servo Motors at 50KHz

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 140.)


Fill out empty section

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 145.)


Fill out empty section

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 150.)


figure out if BONE-SPI0_0 and BONE-SPI0_1 can be loaded at the same time

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 581.)


We need a udev rule to make sure the ADC shows up at /dev/bone/adc! There’s nothing for sure that IIO devices will show up in the same place.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 750.)


I think we can also create symlinks for each channel based on which device is there, such that we can do /dev/bone/adc/Px_y

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 752.)


I believe a multiplexing IIO driver is the future solution

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 754.)


remove deep references to git trees

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 849.)


Additional quadrature encoders can be implemented in PRU firmware.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 947.)


This doesn’t include any abstraction yet.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1018.)


Describe I2S and ALSA

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1218.)


Document dynamic DT overlays

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1471.)


Document dynamic pinmux control

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1478.)


Describe how the Device Trees expose symbols for reuse across boards

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1490.)


The steps used to verify all of these configurations is to be documented here. It will serve to document what has been tested, how to reproduce the configurations, and how to verify each major triannual release. All faults will be documented in the issue tracker.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1526.)


Get OSHWA certification for all of our capes and update the documentation to reflect that

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 9.)


Update for 2023-06-03

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 332.)


Update for BeagleY-AI

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 554.)


fix deg

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 826.)


Update for BeagleY-AI

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1021.)



(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1236.)


is this up to date?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 771.)



(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 804.)


Test this

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 893.)


switch to ip address

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 979.)


check this iptables, convert to ufw

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1006.)



(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1261.)


verify this works. fonts are taking too long to load

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 502.)


Is this true: (The plot is wrong, but eLinux won’t let me fix it.)

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 594.)


My twilio account is suspended, using

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 665.)


Start Here. Update for python.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 866.)


Add cape examples of various sizes

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 18.)


Update display cape example

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 23.)


Switch from LEDscape to FPP

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 36.)


verify these commands

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 111.)


  • Recheck

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 341.)


This is currently broken with the latest version of Falcon Christmas (no F8-B-20.json file)

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 431.)


Show how to drive ws2812’s with FPP.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 445.)


document the code

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 595.)


update the figures.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 759.)


update this

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 863.)


Update links

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 178.)


The ‘s and _’s in the code are messing with the formatting.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 333.)


The version of code used needs to be noted in the documentation.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 42.)


Why is this documented in multiple places?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 44.)


does this need updating?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 346.)


Isn’t working on Pocket at this time.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 113.)


Check these on the Black and Pocket without grove

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 283.)


Add code for Blue.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 392.)


Include a section on accessing DDR.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 31.)


fill in Blue

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 483.)


get this working on the 5.10 kernel

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1584.)


Test this

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1723.)


Make a mapping table for the Black


(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 1816.)


Place-holder for Arm tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Write assembly guide

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 9.)


Place-holder for electronics wiring tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for Buildroot tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for tutorial on the C programming language

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for Debian tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for Device Tree tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for embedded serial interfaces tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for FPGA tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Make sure we have everything critical from

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 133.)


Place-holder for Motors tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for OpenBeagle CI tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Create a simple drawing of BeaglePlay connecting to an external add-on with an interesting device on it.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 12.)


Place-holder for RISC-V tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for verification tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for tutorial on the Verilog programming language

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for Wireless Communications tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


Place-holder for Zephyr tutorial

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 6.)


We need to describe how to use the “Web IDE” to work with OpenBeagle respositories.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 189.)


Why “device” drivers?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 148.)


Why do we need drivers?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 152.)


What do drivers look like?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 156.)


How can we add a step in here to show the network is connected without needing gbridge to be fully functional?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 230.)


update the below for the built-in sensors

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 351.)


can we also handle the case where these sensors are included and recommend them? Same firmware?

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 353.)


the current demo is for the built-in sensors, not the Click boards mentioned below

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 355.)


this log needs to be updated

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 361.)


bring in the GPIO toggle and I2C explorations for greater understanding

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 380.)


revisit everything below here

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 625.)


The patches for gb-netlink will eventually be applied here until pushed into mainline.

(The original entry is located in /builds/LucienMorey/, line 746.)

Articles on contribution#

History of contributors#